About NOMI
In 2020, a working group of professional medical intuitive practitioners began discussions on the use of medical intuition in the United States. Our goal was to gather information on the skills and practices of professional medical intuitives, and to raise the understanding of the value of Medical Intuition by both healthcare providers and the public.
The National Organization for Medical Intuition (NOMI) was formed in 2022 as a nonprofit corporation, with the aim of advancing the professional practice of Medical Intuition with awareness, education and outreach, as well as building a dynamic community of professional medical intuitive practitioners and supporters.
The group launched an initial 2021 survey of self-identified U.S. medical intuitives, which demonstrated the current use of Medical Intuition in clinical healthcare. This survey presents the foremost data gathered on the subject.
Mission, Vision & Goals
NOMI is dedicated to the advancement of professional Medical Intuition. We envision a world where medical intuitive practitioners are accepted in clinical healthcare as well as in private practice, and accessible to everyone. We strive to assure the safety and wellbeing of the public, and aim to integrate Medical Intuition into all forms of healthcare.
Our Goals:
Advancing the field of professional Medical Intuition.
Integrating the practice of Medical Intuition into mainstream healthcare.
Developing codes of ethical conduct for professional medical intuitives.
Creating a dynamic community for professional medical intuitives.
Raising public awareness of the value of Medical Intuition.
Supporting scientific research on Medical Intuition.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Statement
The National Organization for Medical Intuition (NOMI) recognizes and honors the deep roots of Medical Intuition in the ancient and current traditions and beliefs of Indigenous and non-Western cultures. These practices have long contributed to the foundations of holistic health.
NOMI is committed to fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion within our community by establishing a collaborative world-wide network where medical intuitives can share knowledge and work together to achieve our goal of integrating Medical Intuition into mainstream healthcare.
By valuing the heritage of Medical Intuition and promoting ethical practices, we strive to build an inclusive and supportive environment for our membership and the public.
"The highest endeavor of the mind, and the highest virtue, is to understand all things by intuition."
— Baruch Spinoza