National Organization for Medical Intuition

Membership Application Form

Thank you for submitting a Membership Application to the nonprofit National Organization for Medical Intuition (NOMI).

  • Fill out the application form below. Your application will be reviewed and notification will be sent via email within 30 days of submission. We will contact you if we have any questions.

  • NOMI has created a Definition of Medical Intuition and a Code of Ethics to clarify and establish the parameters of the professional practice of Medical Intuition. Your agreement to abide by NOMI Definition of Medical Intuition and Code of Ethics is required for membership consideration.


NOMI welcomes Professional medical intuitives who may be trained, mentored, or self-taught.

A NOMI PROFESSIONAL Member applicant must show:

  • A public presence (website, social media, marketing materials, contact information, etc.) identifying yourself as a professional medical intuitive with a fee-based practice.

  • A dedicated practice of Medical Intuition that you are able to provide separately from an intervention, treatment, or healing service.

  • A practice of Medical Intuition that is used within your legally defined scope of practice.

  • A practice of Medical Intuition that abides by NOMI’s Definition of Medical Intuition and Code of Ethics.

  • A disclaimer on your website and/or marketing materials indicating that Medical Intuition is not to be construed as the practice of medicine, psychotherapy, or any other licensed healthcare practice, and is not a substitute or replacement for the services of licensed healthcare providers.

    • NOTE REGARDING DISCLAIMER: You understand that you are responsible for your own disclaimer language to be in compliance with all local, state and federal legal requirements, and vetted by your own legal counsel. To use NOMI’s copyrighted Disclaimer language above, you must cite and link NOMI’s website in your materials wherever the Disclaimer may appear: